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Consultation Services

Market Studies

Meridian offers a wide range of market study services geared towards helping the client understand market typical characteristics necessary to develop a viable and competitive real estate investment.  These market studies concentrate on providing detailed information of physical characteristic of the real estate investment, the financial parameters impacting the investment process (including costs, income potential and market typical expenses. Our market studies concentrate on demand characteristics for the specific real estate product and provide the client our opinion of the demand necessary to support the investment. These market studies can be tailored to meet specific property owner demands which are always discussed at the onset of any assignment. The investment in a market study in the early stages of the development process can save a client significant time and investment dollars.

Rent Comparability

We perform rent comparability studies (aka rent studies) to provide an opinion of market rent for a specific property. The primary property types we analyze include the following:

  • Professional Offices

  • Medial Offices

  • Industrial

  • Retail

  • Multi-Family

  • Affordable Multi-Family (Tax Credit, Section 8, HUD)

Market Areas

Our primary market area covers Central Florida. We have provided services throughout the state and would consider projects outside the primary market area on a case by case basis.


© 2020 by Meridian Appraisal Group, Inc.                                                                                        Ph:  407-875-6933

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